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전체 글에 해당하는 글 267개
2013.11.01   Simulation시 $test$plusargs 사용관련 
2013.05.09   Synopsys Tutorial 관련 페이지 
2013.03.07   Ubuntu 환경에서 No such file or directory가 나오는 경우... 

  Simulation시 $test$plusargs 사용관련 | 2013. 11. 1. 17:06 | 배움생활/SoC   

Extracting Values of Plusargs inside a simulation

Contributed by
Chris Spear

This article as well as many others appears in Chris' website.

1. Introduction

$value$plusargs (string, variable)

This system function searches the list of plusargs (like the $test$plusargs system function) for a user specified string. If a string is found, the remainder of the string is converted to the type specified in the user string and the resulting value stored in the variable provided. If a string is found the function returns the value 1'b1. If no string is found matching, the function returns the value 1'b0 and the variable provided is not modified.

The user string must be of the form: "'plusarg_string''format_string'". The plusarg string is a name followed by either = or + . The format strings are the same as the $display system tasks. These are the only valid ones (upper and lower case as well as a leading 0 forms are valid):

%b - binary conversion
%d - decimal conversion
%e - real exponential conversion
%f - real decimal conversion
%g - real decimal or exponential conversion
%h - hexadecimal conversion
%o - octal conversion
%s - string (no conversion)
%x - (undergound equivalent for %h)

The first string, from the list of plusargs provided to the simuator, that matches the plusarg_string portion of the string specified by the user will be the plusarg string available for conversion. The remainder string of the matching plusarg (the remainder is the part of the plusarg string after the portion that matches the users plusarg_string) will be converted from a string into the format indicated by the format string and stored in the variable provided.

If the size of the variable is larger than the value after conversion, the value stored is zero padded to the width of the variable. If the variable can not contain the value after conversion, the value will be truncated. If the value is negative, the value shall be considered larger than the variable provided. If characters exist in the string available for conversion that are illegal for the specified conversion, the register should be written with the value 'bx.

2. Examples:

<simulator> +FINISH=10000 +TESTNAME=this_test +FREQ=5.6666 +FREQUENCY

// Get clock to terminate simulation if specified.

if ($value$plusargs("FINISH=%d", stop_clock)) begin
repeat (stop_clock) @(posedge clk);

// Get testname from plusarg.

if ($value$plusargs("TESTNAME=%s", testname)) begin
$display("Running test %0s.", testname);

// Get frequency from command line; set default if not specified.

if (!$value$plusargs("FREQ=%0F", frequency))
frequency = 8.33333; // 166MHz;

forever begin
#frequency clk = 0;
#frequency clk = 1;

This code would have the following effects:

1. The variable 'stop_clock' obtains the value 10000.
2. The variable 'testname' obtains the value 'this_test'.
3. The variable 'frequency' obtains the value '5.6666'; note the final plusarg +FREQUENCY does not affect the value of the variable 'frequency'.

3. Files

The main PLI application is in file value.c. A .tab file for VCS environment will contain the following line.

	$value$plusargs     check=value_check call=value_call size=32 acc=rw:%TASK

The corresponding veriuser.c for Verilog-XL is here.

4. Using $value$plusargs with VCS

4.1 Passing integers

The Verilog code:

module test;
integer i, r;

initial begin
r = $value$plusarg("myint=%d", i);
$display("Value is %0d", i);


invoked from Unix with:

> simv +myint=22

will print:

Value is 22

4.2 Passing strings

The Verilog code:

module test;
reg [1000:0] string;

initial begin
$value$plusarg("mystr=%s", string);
$display("String is %0s", string);


invoked from Unix with:

> simv +mystr=cbs

will print:

String is cbs

4.3 Passing filenames

To pass a file name from the command line into a model, use a plus argument.

The Verilog code:

module test;
reg [100:0] s1;

initial begin
$value$plusarg("MEM=%s", s1);
$readmemh (s1, memory);


invoked from Unix with:

> simv +MEM=pgm.txt test.v

will read the file "pgm.txt" . At run time you can now specify a different name, such as +MEM=new.txt This can also be used with SDF file names.

4.4 Changing values at run-time

If you compile a model in VCS with a plus argument, it is "burned" into the simv as a default and does not have to be given at run time.

> vcs -R model.v +myint=22

will print "Value is 22". Running the executable with no switch will print the same thing:

> simv

Value is 22

Running with a different switch will cause the new value to print:

> simv +myint=44

Value is 44

4.5 Compilation

To compile this code with VCS, use:

vcs value.c -P -CFLAGS "-I${VCS_HOME}/`vcs platform`/lib" mymodel.v

4.6 Limitations

VCS will give the following compile message which can be ignored:

Unknown compile time plus argument ignored: 'myint=22'

Use +plusarg_ignore to turn off this message. If you want to use the plusargs from the compile step during simulations, use +plusarg_save.

These plus arguments can not be in a -f file with VCS 4.0.x and earlier.

'배움생활 > SoC' 카테고리의 다른 글

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  Synopsys Tutorial 관련 페이지 | 2013. 5. 9. 10:51 | 배움생활/SoC   

검색중에 찾은 synopsys tool관련 tutorial페이지가 있어서 링크를 올리도록 하겠습니다,


'배움생활 > SoC' 카테고리의 다른 글

디지털 회로란?  (0) 2017.06.17
Simulation시 $test$plusargs 사용관련  (0) 2013.11.01
TSMC 28nm 공정  (0) 2012.12.20
Setup/Hold violation  (0) 2012.02.23
유지보수가 어렵게 코딩하는 방법  (0) 2011.12.16

  Ubuntu 환경에서 No such file or directory가 나오는 경우... | 2013. 3. 7. 09:00 | 배움생활/리눅스   

Ubuntu 환경에서 파일은 있는데 저런 메세지가 나오는 경우....
당황스럽게도... library 파일이 연결이 안되는 경우도 나온다고 하네요. -_-;;

32bit library를 사용하는 실행파일을 64bit OS에서 32bit library설치 없이 사용할 경우도 해당 문제가 발생할 수 있다고 하네요.
해결은 apt-get install ia32-libs면 해결...

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